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Activate Your Climate Goals

April 8, 2024
Anna Adlard
Anna Adlard

Create momentum with a 90-day sprint

When it comes to climate action, the path forward is clear—but navigating the complexity and scale of change can be challenging. At Workshop, we understand that turning ambitious climate goals into action requires a fundamental shift in how we work together.

Through years of experience with Fortune 500 companies and leading NGOs, we've developed a model that empowers cross-disciplinary teams to make meaningful progress on climate goals, in 90 days or less. Our Climate Activation Sprint combines agile methodology, design thinking, and facilitation best practices to help companies and coalitions achieve climate goals.  

Unlocking the power of collaboration:

We break down complex climate challenges into actionable assignments as a path to momentum. Here’s how the Climate Activation Sprint works:

  1. Cross-disciplinary collaboration: We help assemble high-performing, cross-disciplinary teams to accelerate progress on sustainability goals where collaboration feels impossible but is the only way forward. .
  2. Actionable assignments. We break down complex climate challenges into smaller, more actionable assignments that can be achieved in 90 days (or less). This generates momentum.
  3. Expert facilitation. We facilitate intentional working sessions to help cross-disciplinary teams work well together and stay in action orientation.
  4. Sprint management. We manage the work sprint-to-sprint to ensure action items are clear and work is progressing. We hold accountability and keep pace for the team.
  5. Team building. We spend time upfront to truly align on shared purpose and facilitate a team culture of trust and courage as we sprint. This not only leads to better outcomes, it also creates a more joyful experience along the way. 
  6. Change management: We facilitate meaningful engagement with key stakeholders as we progress through sprints, to enlist feedback and support throughout the process. . 
  7. Capacity building: Teams emerge from the sprint experiences with the tools, frameworks, and capabilities they need to sustain effective collaboration.

Whether you're just starting to operationalize your climate goals or trying to accelerate existing initiatives, the 90-Day Climate Activation Sprint delivers a strong dose of momentum.

Ready to get started?

If you're ready to activate, we're ready to help. Reach out to us at hello@weareworkshop.io to learn more about our 90-Day Climate Activation Sprint. 

Need more information?

Interested in learning more? Dive into our 90-Day Climate Activation Sprint overview:


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